Saturday, June 8, 2024

Spring Update


The month of May was more summer than spring, June is so far more spring than summer.

You can take some time for a spring update.

After recent more drone-oriented releases on the wonderful Secret Domain label that you should never lose sight of, the melodies are back on Heavenchord.

Heavenchord is the musician Artur Galstyan with an incredible output of ambient music with occasional Dub excursions ala Chain Reaction and just as many collaborations.

On the “Spring Update EP”, this time with Infinity Dots, the gently rippling water calms our nerves and birds accompany us through the undergrowth. The melodies flow just as gently through our minds. I never stop listening to Heavenchord. When Artur Galstyan sounds like he does on the 50-minute “Spring Update,” I like to listen the most. He's done it many times before, and now he's doing it again. I love it.

Available as pay what you want at the Moment.

File under: Ambient I Nature I Fieldrecordings

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